Mii BlOg.....

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

the first time i had to use the web wass when ii wass in 3rd grade and ii had to0o0o do0o0o this essay about native american soo0o0 yea.....iit wass funn and now im pretty much huked .....i blame miss.moss(my 3rd grade teacher.....).......yea!..........*im outtie*

i think the best Layout i have seen so far would be....http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v304/young_shellz05/pop/juelz.jpg....i love this layout because i love juelz santana... so this would be the best one i have seen so far....so yea check it out....yall will deff agree wit da great.....*wun*

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Iif ii wass iin the FutuRe, anD ii Had to0o telL mYsElf whaT wouLd hapPen NoW....ii woulD sAy thAt ii wAs GoiiNG to0O gRaDuAtE frOm my OlD sTriiCt SkooL, roXbUrY pReP. ii evev thOuGH yOU hAtEd iiT u StiiL sUrViiVeD....AlSo ii WOuLd SaY ThAt u Go Too0o A sKoOl nAMeD PROSPECT HILL CADEMY...u LiikE tHiiS SkOol ...ThE pEoPlE THeRe aRe oK...SO0O....yup dat mostly wut ii would say....OOOOO YEA AND ALSO.....DONT GET A MYSPACE...NO MATTER HOW MUCH U WaNT IIT.....JUSS DONT B HARD HEADED!!!!

Thursday, October 05, 2006

ThE bEsT TiimE thAt ii Had iin SePtEmBeR wASs, Mii LiTtLE brotHeR's BIrthdaii.....iiT wasS fuN BecAuSe II goT TO CHILL wiiT Mii CUzZiiNS...tHaT'S tHe bEsT tiIMe I hAD. It wAss ALot oF fUn. We WeNt toO ChuckY CHeeSeS....ANd AFtEr We wEnT TOo thE MaLL. ii GoT SuM JoRdAn -5's ALthOuGh iiT WaSs Mii LiTTlE BRoThER's bIrHTdAii....He StiiL gOt ALoT of ClOTHeS anD SneaKeR's.